I'm finally done!
I edited some stuff, like the colour of the titles/headers and such.
So, I'm really dizzy; since I tried to figure out the HTML codes as much as I can.
Anyway, I better get to bed.
Oh, but before I go;
1. There's a new girl in school, whom my friends and I befriended quite easily - as we were hyper that day in Agama.
2. Merentas Desa/Bandar this morning; whoops, yesterday morning. Sorry.
3. KRS has been good. A few cute guys here and there.
4. Joined Editorial with Haifa. I'm doing graphics, so I gotta learn to work with Photoshop. Luckily, bro says he'll teach me some basic stuff.
5. School has been crazy lately. Too much homework!
6. Razak (yellow) is in the sports lead.
7. It was Haifa's birthday yesterday, so celebrated by eating some homemade cake in class. Ahah.
That's it, I guess.
Gotta go!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
You know something is wrong, when;
1. Your whole family has Facebook and you don't.
2. Your cousin's children have Facebook and you don't.
I think I need to get myself a Facebook account...
Hmm, I think I need a new blog layout. :|
So I'm just going to search and search until I find the right one.
See ya!
may this year bring you happiness and success. (;

Haha, watched the fireworks on TV to celebrate the New Year, and basically hugged and wished my parents a happy new year before texting everyone back and going to sleep.
Hehe :D
Anyway, to welcome the new year, I had this very peculiar dream about an airport, my class and kangaroos.
Yup... kangaroos.
The dream started with mostly everyone in the class in an airport, over looking an empty lapangan terbang. We were all just chatting with each other, when suddenly, someone mentioned something about a teacher once saying something to do with kangaroos. And then someone else said, "Teacher was probably just kidding la!", and the rest agreed about this.
Suddenly, we heard loud noises coming from outside, and I went to look with a few people.
Turns out that there was two GIANT kangaroos swinging their tails and just looking around. I then saw some people at the lapangan terbang, some people that I knew... (o.o)
Then, one of the kangaroos saw us staring, and hopped over to us (making even more loud noises while doing so), it laid its big eye near the window and just stared.
We were all freaked out, but the kid who asked about the kangaroo issue before yelled out, "SEE! I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPENED! TEACHER SAID SO!".
Then, I woke up 'cause I heard my phone indicating I received a text message.
Way to start off a new year, huh?
Anyway, here are my New Year Resolutions for 2010;
1. Eat more healthy food, eat less bad food.
2. Study harder, get smarter. (PMR next year!)
3. Exercise more. (I really want to take lessons in a sport - squash, maybe?)
4. Spend less time on the computer.
5. Learn new skills/learn something new.
Basically, the first three are my main priorities. (;
Okay, I gotta go.
My room needs a bit of spring cleaning - okay, well, a lot; what with some stuff still in my luggage bag.
And, I gotta take all my Form 1 books and put it in a box and wrap all my exercise books for next year.
So, ta-ta!
P/S: I'm going to replace the ol' hit counter with a new one since it's a new year. ;D
By 12pm today.