-My close friend ever since kindergarten; those were the days, right? Where we were all so tiny and mischievous. x)
Hopefully, you had a fun day today.
Wished you through sms at 12am, but sorry for the late blog wish. School day, y'know?
Love you as a friend, 'Finas! (:
Ahaha, random-ness. :D
Saw 'Finas, Adlin and Zul on the SMK BU(1)/SK BU(2) field.
As soon as we (my softball group) reached the field, we terus had to prepare for our first match.
I played as Left Outfield/Right Outfield thoughtout our softball matches.
First match (Petaling Jaya)
Match score: 8-3 (lost)
They psycho-ed us throughout the whole game. (and we psycho-ed them back)
Like, when we were going to run from base to base and we could actually run, they kept on saying, "PATAH BALIK, FOUL BALL!"
Second match (Damansara Damai)
Match score: 8-3 (lost)
They psycho-ed us and we psycho-ed them too. But, it wasn't as bad as our first match.
Was an ok game.
Third match (Sri Aman)
Match score: 8-5 (lost)
Loved that game, ahaha. No phsyco-ing at all. At first, they psycho-ed us a bit, but when we just kept quiet, they stopped.
Felt so relaxed during the game, haha.
Fourth match (Damansara Jaya)
Match score: 20-12 (won)
They kept on psycho-ing us, but we didn't psycho them back since we thought it was worthless anyway. Later can't concentrate, masalah pulak.
Batted first, and most of the time, we didn't even have to swing since it went, "Ball 1! Ball 2! Ball 3! Ball 4!" "FREE WALK", so yeah, just jogged to first base, and it went that way practically the whole time. Homerun also 'cause the bases were full, so batter walk to 1st base, then the person at 4th base could just jog to home.
But, the most surprising thing at the time (for me) was getting psycho-ed by 'Finas and Zul. 0.0
Amusing thing, though; Zul kept on going, "Reduwan, Reduwan!"; while I was batting, I wanted to turn around and say to him, "...I already have a boyfriend, so shut up. -.-"
Went back home with a throbbing headache, but was extremely happy.
Let's see...
On Monday, I went out to McDonald's.
Was fine, I guess. Didn't eat there since I thought tak sempat masa. Turns out, sempat actually; since softball didn't even start at 4pm. -.-
Oh, and we received our softball jerseys on that day too.
Green&black. (:
It rained on Tuesday morning, so no morning assembly.
Saw a guy bringing his guitar, but didn't hear him sing for his oral since his class went to the bilik gerakan/media. ):
Friends said that he did well, though. Soo, I'm happy for him, I guess. Haha. :D
Went to McDonald's to eat with the 'softball gang' (excluding Afifa), then walked around Center Point with Jaz. Bought sweets and chocolates while walking around Center Point.
Wednesday was a normal day at first, did SEGAK during PJ time.
After rehat was when I became all blabbery and stuff...
Gave him something and that led to another thing happening, HAHA.
youknowwhatimean :P
-Thursday will be on another post-
Friday - today.
Didn't go to school since I'm pretty much sick.
Pening and I have a fever.

Thank you to Anissa, Haifa, Sabrina, Jazmeen & Afifa for helping me out when my foot was hurt. xD
Massage therapists, eh? ('cept Jaz. HAHA)
Love you guys so much! (((:
Hm, what more to tell...
Oh, I'm going for MSSD Sofbol on Thursday that will be held at SMK Bandar Utama Damansara (1).
Going to meet 'Finas there; yay! :DD
May the best school team win.
Mm, talked to him on Wednesday while waiting for my mum to pick me up and walked with him to class on Friday.
Also going to McD with him tomorrow (Monday) since we're both staying back; me for sofbol practice & him, idk. xD
14th April - Happy 2nd Anniversary, Haifa!
Nasiha's birthday was on 17th April; and I know two more people whose birthdays are coming soon...
Going off; 'nites!
P/S: I didn't edit the pic above; it came out that way when I took the pic. Cool, aite? :D
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
You know, I wanna be your guardian until my heart stops, I wanna help you whenever you're in trouble, I would love to hold your warm hands and walk with you everytime and I want to see your lovely face everytime I see you in school or if we spend time together. So I was wondering,WILL YOU BE MINE? Zarif Aiman :)
-15.04.2009 (our day?)
Actual; 14.04.2009 - but that's Haifa&Amirul's 2nd anniversary. XD
I'm too lazy to write panjang-panjang, so I'll ringkaskan my day today. :D
All the classes (I think) had their photo session today; one is a normal, nice class photo & the other is a freestyle, whatever-you-want-to-do-except-'tanduk' photo.
I sat next to teacher's left in the photos 'cause I'm the penolong kelas. I wanted to stand at the back, dammit. -.-
After our photo session, we went back to class...
Boring day after that; at least no homework for today. :DD
Didn't go for sofbol today since I had to follow my mum somewhere... ):
Hopefully, you all didn't have too much fun while I wasn't there!
Haha, had shooting (acting) at my house last time. The ad's usually before news on TV3.
Watch it! (if you sanggup lah. :P)
& umm, decision time tomorrow...
Whether or not to be his gf or not. I like him, yes. But this just makes me like him less;
I tunggu ur decision this tuesday dulu. If u reject me, then i will find another girl.. :)"
...yeah, sad ain't it?
(felt hurt when I read that, actually. :S)
Ish, what to do, what to do~